
How Home AC Maintenance Tips Can Lower Your Utility Bill

By December 10, 2021May 3rd, 2024No Comments
utility bill

Wondering how to save money on your utility bill?

Home AC maintenance can help you lower your utility bill, simply by ensuring that your system is running efficiently. This means that you can save money on your utility bills without much effort.

Keep reading to learn more about these home AC maintenance tips!

What Is AC Maintenance?

Regularly scheduled AC maintenance is the process of inspecting and cleaning your air conditioner to ensure that it is running properly. By routinely maintaining your AC, you can save money on energy costs, extend the life of your AC unit, and avoid costly repairs.

What Does AC Maintenance Include?

AC maintenance generally includes the following steps:

  • An inspection of your air conditioner
  • Cleaning or servicing of the inside and outside units
  • Cleaning the drain line to prevent flooding
  • Changing filtration

You should perform a full AC inspection at least once a year. If you experience higher than normal utility bills, it can be beneficial to schedule AC maintenance more frequently than just once per year. The following are some additional home AC maintenance tips.

When Should You Schedule AC Maintenance?

Cleaning your AC unit before summer or winter ensures that it will be in good working condition when you need it. It is important to schedule AC maintenance before summer because an energy-efficient home AC unit can help you save money. Waiting until summer could cause your AC to break down, requiring costly repairs or replacement.

Scheduling AC maintenance in the fall puts your home’s air conditioner at risk for damage from winter weather. If your home’s AC unit is not properly prepared for winter, it can freeze and get damaged.

How Are Utility Bills Calculated?

Your monthly utility bill gets calculated from the average of your daily energy consumption. The more you use your AC unit, the higher your utility bill will be. This means that having an AC unit that operates efficiently, can save you money in the long run. For example,  if you have an AC unit rated at 10 SEER, and you use it for 1000 hours per year, you will save about $130.

This is important because it emphasizes that little actions matter. You might not be able to control the weather, but you can take the necessary precautions to ensure your home AC unit is running smoothly and efficiently.

AC maintenance is one of those precautions. By routinely maintaining your AC unit, you can save money on energy costs and keep your home comfortable all year round!

How Can I Lower My Utility Bill?

There are many things you can do to lower your utility bill, such as:

  • Install a programmable thermostat
  • Make sure all doors and windows are properly sealed
  • Weatherstrip your exterior doors
  • Replace incandescent lightbulbs with LED or CFL bulbs
  • Use fans instead of turning on the AC unit when it is hot outside

AC Maintenance Tips to Save Money on Utilities

Regularly scheduled AC maintenance is an essential part of lowering your utility bill. Now that you know what AC maintenance consists of, here are some home AC maintenance tips that can help you lower your monthly energy costs:

All outside surfaces should be clean and dirt-free. Hosing down the exterior of your AC unit can help remove built-up dirt and debris. This will improve airflow and help your AC run more efficiently.

The coils on the inside of your AC unit should be clean. A build-up of dirt and dust can decrease the efficiency of your AC unit and increase your energy costs.

The area around your AC unit should be clear of plants and shrubs. Overgrown vegetation can block the airflow to your AC unit, causing it to work harder and consume more energy.

Make sure that all vents and registers are free of obstruction. Blocked vents and registers can make your AC unit work harder and consume more energy.

Other Tips for Energy Savings

You should clean or replace all filters regularly. Filters clogged with dirt will restrict airflow to your AC unit, forcing it to overwork and use more energy. Cleaning or replacing a filter at least once a month is essential for home AC maintenance. Keeping the filters clean will help your AC unit run more efficiently and save you money on energy costs.

If you have ceiling fans installed in your home, make sure that they’re turning counter-clockwise. Ceiling fans that are pushing warm air down into your living space can cause your AC unit to work harder and use more energy. A ceiling fan that is pushing the warm air up and out will help the AC run more efficiently and lower your utility bills.

If you have twenty minutes of downtime, use it to check on your home AC unit. Make sure that the exterior is free of dirt and debris, the coils are clean, nothing is obstructing the vents, and filters are clean or replaced. If necessary, schedule maintenance with an HVAC professional.

Small Actions Make a Huge Difference

Taking quick actions to ensure your home AC unit is running efficiently can help you save money on your AC bills.

The most effective way to lower energy costs is by increasing your home’s energy efficiency. If your AC unit runs more efficiently, it will be cheaper to power and maintain over the long run.

By integrating green technology into your new or existing homes, you can help the environment and save money on your utility bills!

At GreenTech Homes, we believe in sustainable living. We offer high-performance homes that are 100% green certified. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation for your new or existing home!

Get Started With AC Maintenance Today

You can save money on your home’s AC unit by regularly maintaining it. You should also enable the ceiling fan settings to push warm air away from living spaces and make sure that all home HVAC units are energy efficient in Texas.

By implementing these simple AC maintenance tips, you can keep your home comfortable year-round and help save money on your utility bill!

The team at Infinity Texas Air provides air conditioning services to help you lower those bills, including AC repair and replacement. We proudly serve customers in Forney, Mesquite, Rockwall, and surrounding areas. When you’re ready to start saving, call our expert team!